Venla stops by the greenhouse and looks the fairylights Ilari helped to put up.
All memories rush in. Her safe haven that turned into a trap, Ilari helping her out of there and how it all began. Playing cat and mouse for months.
She didn’t let Iiro have his way with her. He wanted to know what love is and that’s what she tried to do. She just held him close, gently petted his neck and back telling him he’s enough as he is. Then he suddenly broke down and actually cried in her arms. That guy is so damn vulnerable, so emotional he’s scared of everything and hiding behind all those player moves and attitude.
And she got blamed having sex with him.
Venla realized later Iiro framed her, set a trap for her and that’s totally infuriating though she partly understands why he did what he did. It still doesn't make his actions right.
Worst thing is that no one seems to listen her now. Ilari didn’t listen. Her sister decided to throw a christmas party without talking to her first. It makes her so mad. So angry she feels she would like to break something.
Venla picks one of flower pots, raises it into air and smashes it to the ground with a loud cry. Ms. Hurskainen probably makes notes by now, but who the fuck cares anymore! She picks up another, wailing aloud, when strong hand stops her.
– Stop it. You’ll regret it tomorrow.
– I don’t care! Venla shouts at him and break the pot with loud crack. Ilari let’s her do it and looks at her furious face.
- What got you so mad?
– Mad? Mad! Venla shouts at his face. – You haven’t even seen me mad! She hits the greenhouse door and it cracks. Ilari takes hold of her hand.
– Now you need to stop. You’ll hurt yourself.
– I’m already hurting! Venla bawls. - Go away! You don't care!
- I still don't want to see you hurt, Ilari says calmly.
- Why you are here? Venla fists her hands.
- I was just coming to see you and I saw you leaving. Followed you here.
– You didn’t even let me talk for a second! You just judged me without letting me defend myself or hear my side of story. I’m so fucking tired of this! Venla let's it all out.
– So am I, Ilari says. - Sorry I yelled at you. Sorry I didn’t let you talk. My anger clouded my reason. Iiro is cunning piece of shit, I know that. You really didn’t have much chance and I forgive you for that.
- Fuck you are talking about? Venla shakes her head on disbelief. – I didn’t have sex with him. Yes, he tried but he ended emptyhanded.
– You didn’t? Ilari feels relieved and guilty at the same time.
– You’d knew that if you’d let me speak, Venla shouts. – We talked. That’s all.
– Looks like I’m the asshole now, Ilari confesses.
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