81. Are you my girl?

They get back inside and Venla stops at her door. They hear music and people talking loudly. 
- My place, Ilari says and leads them further. They aren’t ready to face others yet. Lucky greets them with a dance that only happy dogs can do and even sings a little song. 
– You are having a party there? Ilari raises his brows. 
– My sister does, Venla sounds sour. -She does this every year. We talk afterwards, she promises it won’t happen again and next year it's same thing all over again.
 - Uh. Siblings are worst, Ilari grunts. 
– Looks like it, Venla sighs. 

Ilari sits down and takes Venla’s hand, guides her into his lap. 
– I want to make this clear. I don’t hook up with anyone just to have a girl in my life. Just to have somebody. I'd rather be alone. But when there’s that certain girl, I’m planning to be there permanently. 
- What does it mean? Venla pushes stranded hair from her face. 
- I told you before what I hope to get. A partner, home, family. But those are long distance goals. Now, I just want to get to know you better. Be with you. 
He presses his nose to base of Venla’s neck. 
– Are you my girl? 
Venla blinks and her heart is starting to race. She thinks it so long she can feel Ilari starting to hold his breath. 
– I’m yours, she says finally. – But I’m not part of your property. You don’t own me, but I choose to be with you.
