S2 12. Fancy date

- Are you ready? Ilari says behind bathroom door.
- In a minute! Venla puts her hair into order. - I've been thinking and realized I don’t know so much about you. Venla starts to get Ilari’s need to talk more and learn from each other. She adds little lipgloss and look herself from bathroom mirror. Not bad.
 – I know how you are and some things from your past, but not much more. 
– How I am then? Ilari gets curious. She can hear him changing clothes too.
– Gentle, protective, thoughtful, caring, sexy, Venla gives him playful smile when he peeks in. 
– Careful now, Sweetie. We need to get out first. They won't hold our table reservation forever. Ilari reminds her and smiles  back. –  I’m not selfcentered asshole who doesn’t listen anymore? 
Venla shakes her head. 
- You can be that too, but I trust you won’t be that to me in purpose. 
– Isn’t that what relationship is all about? Trust?  You show all your weak and sore spots and trust the other one don’t poke on those in purpose. 
– I like the way you make it sound, Venla muses. - Ok. I'm ready!

Venla looks around when they are seated at the restaurant and feels uncomfortable right away. The place is fancy but kind of cold in athmosphere. She’s aware of her crude boots whereas other women tiptoe by in high (and expensive looking!) heels. She couldn’t wear heels even if she wanted to, but other customers and this place makes her feel inferior. 
She doesn’t belong here and it’s hard to imagine Ilari fitting here either. Ilari who rather wear camos or sweatpants. She has learned that much of his habits.
– Managed to get out of the house, Ilari gives her guarded smile. His behaviour changed when they got here. Like he’s trying to fit on the role too. – How do you like it? 
– It’s the most fancy restaurant I’ve ever been in, Venla confess. He looks pleased and Venla hides her sigh. She'll try for Ilari's sake but this doesn't feel good.
