S2 26. Green plans

Even though the third winter just begin Venla feels her fingers starting to itch. So she decides to change dirt to all her plants and put them into bigger pots. Kitchen smells like rich soil and makes her feeling happy to get dirt under her nails again.

 After doing all replanting Venla takes all seed packets to open and starts to choose wich ones she'll put into the greenhouse. Tough call.
- What are you up to? Ilari asks as he throws his sweaty clothes away. He just came inside from his run and Venla feels freezing just by thinking about going outside now.
- Trying to decide what flowers I’m going to plant. I’d love to have them all but they won’t fit into the greenroom.
- Hmm, Ilari says, wraps towel around his hips and looks colourful seed packets sprayed on the kitchen floor. – You could have it all if you give the house a chance
- I’m still thinking about it, Venla sighs. Damn he’s persistent oaf.

- Take your time, he shrugs. – Just saying. All the flowers you ever wanted to put there.
- Drop it already, Venla knits her brows together.
- What are these? He points one packet.
- Pansies. You like them?
- There used to be those in my granma’s yard. Could you put those for the house? To make it feel more like home? He looks at the packets. - And those?
- Peonies?
- If that’s what they are called?
- Yes. I can do that, Venla feels smile curving her lips. – What colour?
- Your call? I trust your opinion. He shivers. - I need to go to shower now. I’m freezing. There's snow again.
Venla smiles warmly to him.
- Ilari?
- Yea?
- I think I need to come to see the place. 
- You do?
- How I could plan the garden otherwise?
