S2 53. midsummer's night

Old dance music fills the old house. Venla and Ilari are slowly dancing in their new living room. Venla’s knee has healed and she’s able to start practize again. Even Ilari seems to enjoy this now. 
– I think I’m getting hold of this, Venla says. 
– You are getting better, Ilari agrees. – You haven’t tried to crush my toes this time, he chuckles. 
– Ack. It’s so embarrassing, Venla replies and leans her head to Ilari’s chest. 
– It’s called learning, Ilari humms and kisses her hair.
– I think this is best midsummer I’ve had, Venla muses. – To be here with you, in our home, do things we like. 
– Yeah, Ilari agrees. – First midsummer I have been sober. 
– Really? 
– Used to party hard with boys. 
– It’s hard to Imagine, Venla is suprised. 
– Definetly not my most glorious moments, Ilari grins and looks suddenly very boyish.
– You miss that? Venla wants to know. 
– Nah. This is much better. And less headache the day after. 
– Glad to hear. She pauses and gives small mysterious smile to Ilari. - I think I’m going to do my midsummer magic soon. 
– The flower thing? 
– It’s my midsummer tradition. 
– Right, Ilari smiles. That’s somehow sweet of her. – Who are you expecting to see?
 – You, silly! Venla gives him quick kiss. 
– You don’t need to do rituals for that, you know? He raises his brows meaningfully.
– I know. It’s just something I want to do. Tradition that feels important and good to me. 
Ilari nods. 
– I get it. Can I come with you while you do it? Take Lucky out for last time today?
 – You know I can’t speak during the rite?
 Ilari nods. 
– I just want to be with you. 
Ilari watches Venla choosing the flowers and how precisely she does that. She takes this seriously. It’s funny to see grown woman concentrating on so much on little girls magic.

 This midsummer really was diffirent. Ilaris midsummer used to start with fight with Virpi, then guys gathered to sauna, drank themselves into oblivion and did some very stupid tricks in nightless night. It’s a miracle no one got hurt badly or died. It’s all in past now.

 He has completely new life. A new job he was excited about, old beautiful house that felt like home, faithfull Lucky and above all, that pretty silly thing who picked flowers with mysterious smile on her lips. Woman whom he loved so much it was impossible to tell with words. Yeah, Life was good.

*In midsummer unmarried Finnish girls and women gather 7 diffirent wild flowers to put under your pillow. You can't speak while you do that and you go straight to bed. You are supposed to see your future partner in your dream that way*
