- What’s this? Nora spots something in Venla’s bag and takes it into her hands. – Is this something for our party?
– Oh. Nope. It’s a little gift I got, Venla looks at Nora examining soft leather restraints.- Err...
- Ilari has his birthday next week. I’m getting prepared. Venla smiles sweetly.
– Kinky! Madde giggles. – So is that for him or you?
- For me, Venla grins.
– Don’t you think it’s too much? Like he could do anything without you being able to stop it? Ronja suspects.
– That’s the idea.
– I don’t like it.
– Well, I do.
– Better you than me, padre! Nora blinks.
- The idea is he respects my boundaries. Within them, he can do whatever he pleases.
- WILD! Teresa gets excited. - I would DEFINETLY try! Interesting, Venla, very interesting... are you sure you're not into girls too? Teresa wipes her lips and looks Venla in flirty way.
- Sorry, you lack something very essential, Venla giggles.
– I can’t believe the most sweetest and innocent looking one of has so kinky side. I never thought you’d be bdsm person. Oona looks more fitting into the role. Nora says wide eyed, making Venla laugh.
– What? Why me? Oona looks questioning.
- Black leather and stuff.
- Oh. I have a hard surface but I’m all cotton candy inside, Oona gulps. – I could never do that.
– It’s about trust, Venla shrugs.
– My point excatly, Oona shakes her head. – Does he hurt you?
– In most delicious way, Venla replies.
– This is troubling. He shouldn’t hurt you. Ronja’s brows knit together.
- I like it. I want it?
– But still.
– But if he goes too far? Oona finds it troubling too.
– He won’t.
– How could you know. I think that’s scary.
– I trust him. Venla takes a drink. – Come on. Who isn’t enjoying a good slap on your butt?
Girls look each others, some more confused than others.
– Come on!
– You like it too, babe, Nora reminds Ronja and they all break down in laughter.
- Ronja, can we talk? I know this isn’t the best timing but… Venla doesn't know how continue.
- You want to ask about IT?
– Mmm, yes.
– It’s ok.
- When...?
- The real reason we moved out of garrison, Ronja looks symphateticly at her sister. – I was young fool, too flirty, too trusty and paid the price. She sighs. – It was a long time ago but I’m ok now. I won’t let that asshole to ruin my life. I promised daddy it wouldn’t brake me for forever.
– Did... did mom know? Venla asks with shaken voice.
- Of course.
She gave me first aid when I managed to get back home.
- Where was I then? Venla's lower lip trembles.
- You had a sleepover at Tanja's I guess. I can't remember. I was just so relieved you couldn't see me then.
– Jesus. Howcome I never knew?
– I didn’t want to talk about it for a long time. Then it didn’t come up naturally and it isn’t really a thing you talk about over sunday dinner?
– Ok, true. Is that why you are lesbian now?
– Geez, sis! How do you know you
are really straight? Ronja rolls her eyes and facepalms.
– Ok, that was a really stupid question. Venla realises her blank idiotism.
– It was. And no, it didn’t change me from what I am but I don’t ever want any three legged creature to touch me again.
– And I’ve been bugging you about
it. I feel terrible, Venla places a hand over her mouth - I’m so sorry. I'm so so sorry!
– It’s ok. Now you know what I’ve tried
to protect you from, baby sister.
*remember their father worked in military too and girls grew up in military garrison in Santahamina*
- You want to ask about IT?
– Mmm, yes.
– It’s ok.
- When...?
- The real reason we moved out of garrison, Ronja looks symphateticly at her sister. – I was young fool, too flirty, too trusty and paid the price. She sighs. – It was a long time ago but I’m ok now. I won’t let that asshole to ruin my life. I promised daddy it wouldn’t brake me for forever.
– Did... did mom know? Venla asks with shaken voice.
- Of course.
She gave me first aid when I managed to get back home.
- Where was I then? Venla's lower lip trembles.
- You had a sleepover at Tanja's I guess. I can't remember. I was just so relieved you couldn't see me then.
– Jesus. Howcome I never knew?
– I didn’t want to talk about it for a long time. Then it didn’t come up naturally and it isn’t really a thing you talk about over sunday dinner?
– Ok, true. Is that why you are lesbian now?
– Geez, sis! How do you know you
are really straight? Ronja rolls her eyes and facepalms.
– Ok, that was a really stupid question. Venla realises her blank idiotism.
– It was. And no, it didn’t change me from what I am but I don’t ever want any three legged creature to touch me again.
– And I’ve been bugging you about
it. I feel terrible, Venla places a hand over her mouth - I’m so sorry. I'm so so sorry!
– It’s ok. Now you know what I’ve tried
to protect you from, baby sister.
*remember their father worked in military too and girls grew up in military garrison in Santahamina*
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