S2 95. Bubbles Fix Everything

 Venla gave silent treatment to Ilari for two days. She started to bake like crazy and cleaned the house like madwoman. Side table in common room showed she has played the most violent games during his working hours. Ouch.

Ilari had been here before. When angry Venla couldn’t talk and turned into mad mute who gave him furious sideways looks.

- It has to stop, Ilari blocks the bathroom door.
– Go away, Venla hisses. Oh yes. She speaks and can't run away from tub.
– No.
Venla replys by giving him a annoyed grunt.
- You worked till 3 am last night. And night before.
- So? She lifts her chin in defiance.
– There’s no need to slave away like that. Ilari is concerned.
– Should have thought about that before you started to invite your relatives to our home! Venla snaps.

– You have to meet her some day, Ilari sighs.
– I would have wanted to decide about that too!
- What’s done is done, Ilari thinks. – I thought it was perfect opportunity.
– YOU thought, Venla stresses.
– Ok. It was clearly a mistake. I'm sorry. I should have talked to you first.
– Oh wow. Now he thinks! Venla rolls her eyes and lifts her hands into air.
– Venla, please.
She hmmps.

– I'm sorry, Ilari huffs. – I didn’t think you’d take it like this.
– What would you think I’d do? She came into my home uninvited. My home! My personal place! And that interrogation I got!
– It was last year? Ilari touches his neck. – And I still think it was the bitchy hag from neighbor who was behind it. Nan isn’t like that normally. We have talked many times after that and she never has questioned you afterwards.
– I’m still scared and freaked out she’s coming here.
– It will be ok. Ilari conforts her. – Give her another chance. She’ll love you when she really sees how you are. How wonderful you are.
– Not so sure about that. Wh-- what are you doing?
– Coming there with you.
– We won’t fit!
– Move over. I’m coming in.

- It’s bit tight.
– But we fit. Don’t we, Ilari smiles.
– Mm. We do. Venla evaluates their new bath tub.
– Sometimes it’s like this. Bit tight place but we’ll make it work anyway.
– I hate when you are dork and then say something very thoughtful or wise the next moment, Venla murmurs and leans her head to Ilari's chest.
– Special talent. He sounds proud.
– More like lucky accident. Those two beans inside your brain happen to randomly meet.
Ilari chuckles.
– Ok then wise ass. And talking about your ass...
– No. Not going to happen.
Ilari's apology had been accepted but there's still certain limitations. There's no more room for further negotiations
– I’m sleeping in my own bed tonight anyway, Ilari satisfies for smaller victory.
