Tessa points a dog across the yard and is clearly exited.
- Hi! Venla shouts to Ilari who's coming back home with his dog. -Can we pet your dog? Man looks a bit surprised but comes to them.
- Feel free to do so, he says and sits onto edge of sandbox. -Lucky, sit!
-Lucky? Venla says dog's name and reaches her hand to touch silken ears. -Tessa, look. Put your hand like this and let the dog come to you first. She guides her goddaughter. - What breed he is? She lifts her eyes to Ilari.
-That's a good question, Ilari says. - He can be either purebred or stray. I don't know.
- Is Lucky a rescuedog? Venla gets interested.
-Kinda. It was orphaned when I found it from Iraq, Ilari explains.
- Really?
- The other pups from the litter and her mom were under collapsed wall and beyound help. Ilari tells. - Couldn't leave him there.
- So Lucky really is a Lucky one. Venla is impressed and pats dog's side. - I used to have a german shepherddog. It was so boneheaded. Well, at least I learned to handle stubborn males.
-Really? Ilari says and corner of his mouth twich. -All stubborn males?
- Are we still talking about dogs? Venla asks and they share an amused smile.
- So, is it hard to bring a dog to Finland? Venla wants to know.
- Not usually, Ilari says and scratchs his neck. - We aren't allowed to bring animals to the base nor bring them back with us.
- Susanna probably told you what I do?
- You are a UN soldier? Venla says varily, not knowing where this is going. Ilari nods.
- Correct. I had to bend rules, make like thousand applications and be a pain in the ass for my superiors to make it work.
- You must really like that dog, Venla blinks and turn to pet Lucky again. - Tessa, careful now! Don't pull his ears!
- Mm, yeah. Ilari says and checks the time.-I need to go now.
- Sorry to keep you, Venla apologizes and lifts Tessa to sit in her lap. -And thanks for letting Tessa to see Lucky!
- Anytime, Ilari says and prepared to leave.
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