-Heyyy, Iiro says when he spots Venla in nearby grocery shop. He was supposed to get some forgotten things, but seeing a familiar face makes him smile. -Just my favourite person!
– Since when? Venla raises her brows.
– Since recently, Iiro winks and frowns seeing Venla suddenly hunching. - What’s wrong?
– Just The pain I’m used to, Venla mutters.
– No way. Depeche Mode quote, Iiro smirks.
– You picked that fast, Venla gives him pained smile. - It's not my best day today. Iiro looks troubled. He didn't remember Venla was waiting for surgery.
– It's not getting any easier?
– Are you kidding? Venla gives him a sad look. – I eat painkillers like candy. Pinned nerves aren't going to get better just like that.
-Damn. I'm sorry.
- Can you stop that?
-Doing what?
– Being sorry for me. That's my life and I just want to live it. I don't need or want people to feel sorry for me.
– Sorry. Uh, Damn!
- Aaargh! Venla rolls her eyes at him.
- Is it possible to distraught you from it? Iiro backs a little.
- What do you mean?
– Take you mind elsewhere or something? Like concentrate on some other things? Venla's face goes blank as her thoughts goes somewhere and she starts to glow a moment before smile surfaces.
– Yes, it helps. That's the face of someone having a big crush. Jealousy is a new feeling for Iiro. So big bro really got ahead of him. So annoying!
– Soooo. Care to play? Venla looks guarded at his proposal. – I challenge you to play COD with me. Or CS? Venla flashes him a big smile.
- I'd like that. It's been ages since I've played live with anyone.
- Are you dating my bro now? Iiro is as straightforward as ever.
– Um. That is a good question, Venla blinks.
- It's either yes or no?
- I really don't know, Venla stammers.
– I take that as no then, Iiro grins. - You'd know.
– Um.. we haven't talked about that.
– Yep. Not dating then. Iiro shrugs. – I'd hate to get left behind without a chance.
– We are not going to have sex, Venla shakes her head.
– I didn't say so, Iiro says. – I like you. I have said that before but everytime we talk I like you more and more.
- Don't do this, Venla frowns and packs her grocery bag.
– I was just getting my head straight and now you are making me feel confused. I've had enough of that feeling.
- Sorry. I just told you how I feel, Iiro shrugs. -Hey, this is perfect strategy. I get your head buzzing and I'm gonna beat your ass on CS when you can't concentrate!
- Ooh, that IS low, Venla smirks. – Let’s get on it then! You're gonna cry soon!
Just they are about to leave Venla start to think something.
– Your grandma is here. Don’t you want to spend time with her?
– I see her far more than my bro does. They have a lot to catch. Iiro justifies his absence.
- Did they have an argument? Venla gets curious.
– No. It was Virpi who wanted to separate Ilari from others.
- She doesn’t sound like very nice person. Venla sighs.
- Practically everyone hated her, Iiro shrugs. -She was very nice at first but when they moved in together she started get vain and demanding as her career started to improve. Ilari kinda worshipped her and I think she wanted to change him into something else he wasn’t. I don’t get it either but she must have had some serious skills. Iiro burst on laughter.
– Yeah, what could be another reason, Venla tries to laugh wit Iiro, but suddenly feels insecure. What If…what If she’s dissapointment to him when they get that far. She has had her wild years, but though it had been fun it was never so satisfying as movies and litetature told.
-Are you still around tomorrow? Venla asks.
- Yeah? Why?
– I don’t think your granmother likes me and I’d hate if she starts to think I’m robbing your together time.
- Why wouldn’t she like you? Iiro is puzzled.
– Just got the feeling, Venla mutters.
– You’ve met her?
– Briefly, Venla replies. - I wouldn’t want to make things difficult.
– You are probably overthinking, but ok. Tomorrow then?
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