Iiro picks up his phone hearing message coming thru. He reads it couple times and can't contain his smile anymore.
- Yes! Yes yes yes!
He wrote long texts explaining what he did and why and really took his time to form a good apologize. He couldn't have done this without Oona's help and gives her his brightest smile.
- She agreed to see me so I can ask her forgiveness in person! I got it now!
- Damn. I forget your leg, Iiro grimaces seeing Venla with crutches.
- It's ok. I need the excersice and fresh air, Venla replies and he can see she's cautious. - So?
- So... I wanted to talk. To apologize face to face. I'm so sorry. It was stupid, idiotic thing to do and I didn't want you to get hurt.
Venla doesn't answer. She just stands there and feels distant, cold.
- I know you are with my brother and I’m not trying to come between you, Iiro says. – I just found you and I don’t want to loose you completely. Can we still be friends?
– I don't know. We understand each other the way not many do, Venla agrees quietly and her cold look softens. – But I’m still mad at you. You broke my trust and played me. Just after we opened up on serious things.
– I know. I’m still feeling guilty about it. Iiro lowers his gaze to the ground. – Can I have another chance?
– As friends?
– I won’t lie. I still have strong feelings for you but yes, as a friend. I’d like to be a part of your life. Even as a friend.
Venla is quiet for a while and then touches his hand very gently.
– We were becoming real friends before you wrecked it and I actually miss you being around. I love your brother but if being friends is enough for you, so be it. But it will take a long time to trust you again.
– I won’t pull any stupid moves again, Iiro promises.
– No moves whatsoever, Venla looks stern. - If you ever cross me again then there’s no mercy for you.
- Fair enough. No moves. No games. Iiro nods. – So how’s it going with Ilari? He finally asks and to his suprise, Venla puts hand over her mouth and tries to suffocate a little sob.
– What’s wrong? Venla?
- Hey bro!
– Vittu saatana! Ilari hears his little brother swearing and yelling at him right when he picks up his phone. - What are you playing at?
– What?
– Venla told me you’re moving elsewhere!
– Yeah. I got new orders. I’m getting transferred to Säkylä.
– Voi vitunvitun vittu. So it’s true. If you go with this I take it you abandon her. And if you do that, then I’m going to step back into game. Iiro is clearly pissed. Ilari can’t remember him being this upset for a long time.
– Wtf you are talking about?
- That you treat her bad, bro
- Huh?
– I’m not going to watch from sides if you keep hurting Venla like that!
– Like what? Ilari’s completely clueless.
– She literally cried against my shoulder today.
– I told you to stay away from her! Ilari growls. Looks like Iiro didn’t learn his lesson. – Do I really need to punch you more before you get it!
– Fuck you! Iiro scowls. – I don’t know what you’re doing but you can punch me as much you like but don’t treat her like that! I didn’t step out for this! And then he hangs up leaving Ilari bewildered and with lots of questions.
- You are thoughtful, Jesse remarks when Ilari is more quieter than before.
– Mm. True, Ilari sighs.
– What is it? Antti asks.
– Just thinking about Venla.
– Ha ha dude! She really got your head spinning!
– It’s not that, Ilari frowns. – Just thinking.
- What’s the matter?
– Something Iiro said.
– Aaand? Jesse tries to get an answer from him.
- I’m supposed to change the scenery. It isn’t like going on mission abroad but the distance could be a problem. Virpi couldn’t handle it and I’m worried.
- You doubt Venla can’t handle it? Antti looks thoughtful.
– No. She’s great. She gets me. I think I got this sorted, Ilari thinks, but frowns again. - I guess.
- Okay, but what about important stuff? Jesse makes a face and Ilari chuckles. He knows excatly what Jesse refers to.
- She has libido of teenager and let’s me do things Virpi wouldn’t have accepted.
- Sounds good to me! Jesse smirks. – All what matters work?
– I don’t know. Ilari frowns. – I have a feeling I’m missing something here. Something important.
- In what way? Looks to me you got a good deal.
– That's the thing. I can't put a finger on it. But she haven’t really dated before.
- Really? Jesse says.
- What’s that? She’s fun, pretty girl. Antti gets suprised - The scars?
- They are pretty bad, Jesse nods. – Like she’s been visiting Frankenstein ’s lab.
- Hey, that’s my girlfriend you are talking about! Ilari grunts.
- Geez, tender. Are we?
– Shut your hole. I don’t know, I’m afraid she has this mushy picture what it’s supposed to be I ain’t no Prince Charming. Ilari huffs.
- No you are not, Jesse chuckles. – Assviper.
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